报告题目:Adaptation benefits and mitigation potentials of direct cooling engineering at the Earth’s surface
时 间:7月31日(周三)8:30-10:00
地 点:气象楼210会议室(腾讯会议:667-240-787)
报告人:陶 冶 博士
主持人:肖 薇 教授
专家简介:Dr. Ye Tao received a doctorate from the Department of Chemistry at MIT in 2015. He also completed the research requirements for a doctorate in Solid State Physics at ETH Zurich. His lab got to work in 2016 on developing the worlds highest-resolution MRI microscope, but Dr. Tao’s professional trajectory unexpectedly swiveled to a new direction. After grasping the ultimate outcome of excess carbon accumulating in Earth’s atmosphere, he founded MEER (Mirrors for Earth’s Energy Rebalancing) in 2019 to design, develop, and deploy, surface-based nontoxic reflectors/emitters. In 2021, he left the Institute to devote himself to a singular task: the pursuit of bold, creatively low-tech, and scalable engineering solutions, with rigorous testing and just applications, to perfect available options for ensuring that our biosphere remains host to a boisterous parade of life.